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An Addict by Nature

Some people are just born to be an addict.  There is that certain something in our brains, that attracts us to the excitement and thrill of the unknown.  An addict can not live within moderation.  We basically have no concept of what is too little, or what is too much.  We either go all the way, or not at all.  If we exchange our negative behavior with positive actions and behavior, we can be addicted to that as well.

Some addicts will stop using one drug, and switch to the next.  This is just replacing one bad habit with another.  If we have the ability to do that, then we have the ability to become addicted to something good.  Something like a healthy lifestyle, with exercise and eating right.  We will most likely take it to the extreme, but in all reality, it is better than the former habit.  Some addicts will stop abusing drugs, and become addicted to work.  Still, that is better than the former habit.

Some things we can change, and some we we have to adapt to.  The bottom line is, that if we put all our negative energy into something positive, we can and will be successful.  We have that power.  With hard work, perseverance, and the support of others, we are capable of achieving our wildest dreams.

Be strong.  Dream big.  Never give up.  All is possible.  Have faith, and live your life to the fullest.


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