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Showing posts from February, 2017

Learn Something New Each Day

A single day will never be considered wasted, as long as you #learnsomethingnew  Everyday I put myself out there, exposing myself to things I know nothing about.  I have always learned things the hard way, and I guess that is just the way it will always be.  Nothing good comes easy.  I have certainly learned that one the hard way.  I just believe that deep in my soul exists the #energy, and the will to continue to survive.  If I had not wasted so many years killing my own brain cells, I would be ahead by now.  I am trying to make up for #losttime  and sometimes I get sucked in by everything I have missed out on.  I am talking about the #simplethingsinlife   The things that people often take for granted.  I will never take anything for granted again, and if I start to fall I will pick myself up again.  I am a #survivor, and survivors win! #nevergiveup #recovery #sweetmelissa

Book 4 Revised

I have finally finished revising book four of the Sweet Melissa Memoir series! 2 more to go! The audio version for book 1 is almost done! I need more time in each day because 24hrs is not enough! My #dream is starting to become a #reality

Audio version in progress

I am so happy to say that the audio version of Sweet Melissa: Ignorance is not Bliss Book One, of the Sweet Melissa series, is in the process of production right now thanks to the wonderful actress/narrator Dana Dae! She accepted the offer and I know this is going to be the best! Netflix here we come!

Accepting Auditions

Right now, I am accepting auditions for my series! WOW! What an exciting thing! When I hear the auditions of women reading my book, I am so thrilled. Some of their voices bring a chill to my spine, because of their accuracy. I have only begun my auditions, one certain woman's audition is just sticking with me.  I have always said, follow your gut feeling! Anytime I did not, I have failed. I will give it a few more days, but I do believe my choice is made! EXCITING! I love it!!!