Available for Pre-Order delivery November 1, 2017

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After 7 long years in state prison, my life took a turn for the better. It’s crazy when what you’ve been searching for all your life, has been right in front of you all along! There is nothing but a mother’s unconditional love and continual support, that could send a lifelong addict and felon immediately into rehab on her parole date after seven years in prison! Shine On You Crazy Junkie is “My Story” of how I used the years locked up to change, learn, and grow. It’s how I turned my life over to God, and only at that point, was I finally able to see. My life had been a repetitious cycle of addiction, crime, and self-destruction. When I lost everything, not only did I find myself, but I found that with God, my family, and the will to do so, that I can overcome my obstacles and achieve my goals!
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