It is no SECRET that I am not college EDUCATED. I could have been but I chose a different DARKER path. I have made TERRIBLE and HUMILIATING choices for much of my LIFE. I am STUBBORN and that trait has gotten me into one PROBLEM after another. I had always thought that my lack of CONCENTRATION and my IMPULSIVE nature was due to BOREDOM and the need for EXCITEMENT and even DANGER. After decades of DOING the same thing OVER and OVER again and NEVER getting any different RESULTS, I came to the CONCLUSION that I was indeed INSANE. Thank you Mr. EINSTEIN! SOME people follow a straight ARROW path. They go from point A to B to C and so on. While OTHER people like me go from C to R to A to Z to Y. We go up and down this PATH because we are LOST. Somewhere along the way our WIRES got crossed and SHORTED out. Our CIRCUIT boards are not working correctly. Maybe they are DEAD. There is something terribly WRONG. ...