A single day will never be considered wasted, as long as you #learnsomethingnew Everyday I put myself out there, exposing myself to things I know nothing about. I have always learned things the hard way, and I guess that is just the way it will always be. Nothing good comes easy. I have certainly learned that one the hard way. I just believe that deep in my soul exists the #energy, and the will to continue to survive. If I had not wasted so many years killing my own brain cells, I would be ahead by now. I am trying to make up for #losttime and sometimes I get sucked in by everything I have missed out on. I am talking about the #simplethingsinlife The things that people often take for granted. I will never take anything for granted again, and if I start to fall I will pick myself up again. I am a #survivor, and survivors win! #nevergiveup #recovery #sweetmelissa
Inspirational Quotes and Updates on my books and projects.